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Drag'n'Boom Online

Category: Action
Tags: Dragon | Fight |

Drag'n'Boom Online is an online puzzle game that offers you an exciting, adventure-filled and action-packed gaming experience. The game immerses you in a world of magic, where you must drag and boom your way to victory. You will explore magical lands and take on monsters in intense combat, with the ultimate goal of unlocking the rich rewards at the end of your quest. Experience a world where you are in control of your own destiny.


  • Endless character customizations
  • A vast world to explore
  • Intense battles with monsters
  • Upgradable spells and attacks
  • A variety of weapons and armor
  • Exciting rewards after every level
  • Premium membership with extra bonuses

Game Controls

  • Movement: Use the left arrow key or A to go left, the right arrow key or D to go right, up arrow key or W to jump, and down arrow key or S to crouch.
  • Attacking: Press and hold left mouse button or X to initiate an attack, and release the mouse button or press X again to finish the attack.
  • Spell Casting: Hold down the right mouse button or Z to cast a spell.

How to Play

Create a Character

Upon launching Drag'n'Boom Online, the first thing you need to do is to create your very own character. Choose from different race and class options, customize your appearance and set the character's name. Once your character is complete, you are ready to begin your adventure.

Explore the World

The world of the game is vast and full of surprises. You will need to find the best path to success by navigating through forests, deserts, swamps and other magical environments. Along the way you will discover small villages and cities to explore. Each area is filled with collectibles that can be used to purchase useful upgrades and powerful weapons.

Take on Monsters

Innumerable monsters will stand in your way. You must combat them in order to progress and you can select from an array of spells, attacks and unique enchantments to great effect. As you progress, the difficulty increases and you will need to use your wits to outsmart your foes.

Reap the Rewards

Upon completion of a level or defeating an enemy boss, players can pick up the rewards to upgrade their characters or customize them with new equipment and armor. Try to use these wisely to increase your chances of success in the next challenge. The rewards will help strengthen your character and make your journey easier.


Character Customization

Drag'n'Boom Online offers a massive range of character customization options. Players can choose different races such as elves, orcs, humans and more. They can also select from a variety of classes such as warrior, mage, necromancer and the like. The possibilities are truly limitless here.

Leveling Up

Players will gain experience points as they progress through the game. These points can be used to level up their characters and unlock new abilities, spells and attacks. The higher the level achieved, the more powerful the character will be.

Loot and Equip

Throughout the game, you can pick up items, weapons and armor to equip your character with. You can upgrade and customize your weapon, armor and other equipment to gain new stats and benefits. Loot found in the game can also be used to craft rare artifacts.


  • Web browsers
  • Android
  • iOS


Drag'n'Boom Online was developed by Zombie Studios and released on November 1, 2019.

Release Date

Drag'n'Boom Online was released on November 1, 2019.

Similar games

Other games that are similar to Drag'n'Boom Online include Sword and Shield, Forge of Gods and League of Maidens.


Is there a subscription fee?

No, there is no subscription fee.

Are there any In-Game purchases?

Yes, there are in-game purchases available.

Can I play on multiple platforms?

Yes, Drag'n'Boom Online is available on web browsers, Android and iOS devices.

Ufo X


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