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Category: Action
Tags: Action |

JOKER is an online game that provides great fun and excitement for its players. It is easy to learn and simple to play. It is suited for both children and adults and has a range of exciting elements. Players get to compete against another team or in a free for all match. It is a fast paced game with a range of levels and competitive options.


  • A range of levels
  • A range of special moves
  • Interactive objects
  • Compete against single or multiple players
  • Ability to beat levels and move up in rank
  • Gain stars to unlock new levels

Game Controls

  • Up, down, left, right arrow keys to move the character.
  • Space bar to jump.
  • Z to perform a punch.
  • X to perform a kick
  • C to perform a special move

How to Play

The objective of the game is to battle against a team or an opponent and match their obstacles while aiming to get to the highest rank possible. The player’s rank increases with every victory.

Sign Up

Players are required to sign-up in order to play the game. To do so, players will provide their nickname, email address and password.

Start Playing

Once players are signed up, they are ready to jump in and play. Players can choose between single player and multiple player mode.

Choose a Level

Players can choose the difficulty level for their game. There are various levels of difficulty to choose from so players can find the right challenge for them.


Interact with Objects

In the game, players can interact with a range of objects. These objects can be used to limit the progress of the opponent or provide an advantage to the player.

Fight Against Opponent

Players have to fight against their opponent in order to win the game. Players can use the objects to their advantage and can also use special moves to gain an edge.

Win the Match

The player who wins the match increases their rank. Players can also challenge higher levels by winning more matches.


  • Web
  • Android
  • iOS


The game JOKER was developed and published by Interaction Labs.

Release Date

JOKER was released in 2020.

Similar games

Games that are similar to JOKER include Street Fighters, Super Smash Bros and Street Brawl.


What is the objective of the game?

The objective of the game is to battle against a team or an opponent and match their obstacles while aiming to get to the highest rank possible.

What type of levels are available?

There are various levels of difficulty to choose from so players can find the right challenge for them.

What platforms can the game be played on?

  • Web
  • Android
  • iOS
Ufo X


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