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Los Angeles Stories III Challenge Accepted

Category: Action
Tags: Action |

Los Angeles Stories III Challenge Accepted is an exciting web game that immerses players into the vibrant and busy streets of the City of Angels. With engaging story-based missions and thrilling side competitions, players can explore the depths of the city, interact with dynamic characters, and ultimately survive their wild encounters with a few extraordinary friends.


  • An immersive story with dynamic characters
  • 2 popular difficulty levels
  • A vast array of missions and side quests
  • Mini-games within the game
  • Character customization options
  • Vibrant and detailed graphics

Game Controls

  • WASD - Move character
  • Spacebar - Jump/Interact
  • Mouse - Move camera

How to Play

Character and Story

The story of the game follows the journey of a courageous protagonist, Nate. After receiving a mysterious invitation to Los Angeles, Nate arrives in the city, only to find himself in the midst of a fast pace and thrilling adventure.

Players will be required to help Nate maneuver through the streets of the city, complete quests and missions, and ultimately uncover the various mysteries which follow him as he became a part of Los Angeles. Along the way, Nate will be able to interact with a colorful array of characters, forming unique friendships or ultimately becoming enemies.

Gameplay Mechanics

In Los Angeles Stories III Challenge Accepted, players are able to explore the world through their own actions and choices. From the beginning of the game, players can choose the direction in which to progress, and are even able to customize their character’s appearance, preferences, and outfit.

In order to progress further in the main story or complete any side quest objectives, players must embark in mini-games and activities which will include running and jumping around the city streets as well as exploring dark alleyways and back alleys.


  • Web
  • Android
  • iOS


Los Angeles Stories III Challenge Accepted was developed by Ellation Studios, a video game development company based in San Francisco, California.

Release Date

Los Angeles Stories III Challenge Accepted was released in 2021.

Similar games

Some similar games to Los Angeles Stories III Challenge Accepted are Grand Theft Auto V, L.A. Noire, and Sleeping Dogs.


Does this game have any in-game purchases?

No, there are no in-game purchases available in Los Angeles Stories III Challenge Accepted.

What is the player's objective in this game?

The player's objective in Los Angeles Stories III Challenge Accepted is to explore the city and complete various missions and quests.

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