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Bitcoin Simulator

Category: Clicker
Tags: Clicker | Webgl | Simulation | Upgrade | Idle |

Bitcoin Simulator is a fun, interactive and educational game built by tech enthusiasts which takes on the role of a Bitcoin trader. The gaming goal is to increase the user's amount of funds to their account by making intelligent trading decisions. Through Bitcoin Simulator, users receive real-time information about investments, market prices, and trading strategies. They can also monitor their own portfolio and make modifications accordingly.


  • Live price feeds of the Bitcoin market.
  • Real-time data on Bitcoin prices.
  • In-game trading and exchange.
  • Portfolio tracker
  • Market insights and research.

Game Controls

  • Trading - Users can make trades by buying or selling coins.
  • Portfolio tracker - Users can track their portfolio and view their investments.
  • Market insights - Users can gain insights on the Bitcoin market.
  • Real-time data - Users can receive real-time data on Bitcoin prices.

How to Play

Register an Account

To get started playing Bitcoin Simulator, the user must first register an account with the game. For this, the user must enter their basic information including an email address and a password. After registering the account, the user can log in to begin playing the game.

Choose a Trading Platform

Once the user is logged in, they must choose a trading platform to begin playing. Once the platform is selected, the user can begin buying and selling Bitcoins in the virtual market. There are a variety of trading platforms such as Coinbase, Binance, and Bitfinex.

Begin Trading

Once the user is logged in and has chosen a platform to use, they can begin trading Bitcoins on the virtual market. The user can make trades by buying or selling the cryptocurrency. The user must make intelligent trading decisions to make profits. They can use the insights about the market to make the best decisions possible for their individual situation.

Customise Your Portfolio

Once the user has made a few trades with Bitcoin, they can monitor their portfolio and make changes accordingly. This allows the user to customise their portfolio as per their liking. They can track their progress and make modifications to ensure profitability.


Live Price Feeds

Bitcoin Simulator features live price feeds of the Bitcoin market. This allows users to track the value of their investments at any given time. The prices are updated in real-time, providing users with accurate data on the market. Users can use the data to make informed decisions when it comes to buying and selling Bitcoin.

In-Game Trading and Exchange

Bitcoin Simulator also features an in-game trading and exchange platform. Users can buy and sell Bitcoins within the game, similar to a real-world exchange. This allows users to gain experience and practice with trading without any real risk. It also enables users to hone in on the strategies needed to succeed in the real Bitcoin market.

Market Insights and Research

Bitcoin Simulator also provides users with market insights and research. This allows users to make smarter decisions when trading on the virtual market. They can use the data to gain an edge and make profits in the virtual market. This also helps users to become more knowledgeable about the Bitcoin market and its trends.


  • Web
  • Android
  • iOS


Bitcoin Simulator was developed by a group of tech enthusiasts.

Release Date

Bitcoin Simulator was released on December 1, 2020.

Similar games

Bitcoin Simulator is similar to other Bitcoin trading simulators such as Crypto Trading Sim and Bitcoin Empire.


How much does it cost to play Bitcoin Simulator?

Bitcoin Simulator is free to play.

What currencies can be used to buy and sell Bitcoins?

Bitcoin Simulator supports many currencies such as USD, EUR, GBP, AUD and more.

Does Bitcoin Simulator provide users with market insights?

Yes, Bitcoin Simulator provides users with market insights and research to help them make more informed decisions.

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