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Omega Layers

Category: Clicker

Omega Layers is a 3D playing arena that facilitates fast-paced, arcade-style action. The purpose of the game is to eliminate all the enemies using a variety of weapons such as swords, guns, and lasers. Players can also jump, dodge, and dash through various obstacles and levels until they reach the end. Omega Layers is a thrilling game experience for people of all ages.


  • Fast-paced, arcade-style action
  • A range of weapons including swords, guns, and lasers
  • A variety of enemies
  • Various levels
  • Jumping, dodging, and dash abilities
  • Pause and change weapon controls

Game Controls

  • Jump
  • Dodge
  • Dash
  • Shoot
  • Melee
  • Pause
  • Change Weapon

How to Play

The main objective of Omega Layers is to eliminate all the enemies before the time runs out. Players can use a range of weapons from swords and guns to lasers in order to defeat the enemies. The game also features various obstacles and levels that need to be traversed in order to reach the end.

Using Weapons

When playing the game, players are able to choose from a variety of weapons including swords, guns, and lasers. Each weapon has its own unique attributes which can be used to defeat enemies or traverse obstacles. The player is able to switch weapons during the game using the 'Change Weapon' control.

Jumping and Dodging

Players need to be agile in order to successfully traverse the levels, dodge obstacles, and eliminate enemies. The 'Jump' control allows players to leap over enemies or obstacles, while the 'Dodge' control permits players to side-step enemies. Additionally, the 'Dash' control allows players to move quickly through the levels.


In Omega Layers, players need to defeat enemies, traverse levels, and reach the end with the time limit. As the game progresses, the enemies become increasingly difficult to defeat and the levels become more complex.


Players need to defeat various enemies in order to progress through the levels. Enemies range in size and difficulty. Some may charge at the player and must be defeated quickly, while others may need to be avoided and jumped over.


Omega Layers features a range of levels, each with its own challenges and objectives. Players need to navigate the levels while avoiding obstacles and defeating enemies. As the levels progress, the challenges become more difficult.


  • Web
  • Android
  • iOS


Omega Layers was developed and designed by Trey Games.

Release Date

Omega Layers was released in April 2019.

Similar games

Some other arcade-action games that have a similar style of gameplay as Omega Layers are Tyrian, Trace Impact, and The Space Crusade.


What is the objective of Omega Layers?

The objective of Omega Layers is to defeat all the enemies and traverse the levels with the time limit before reaching the end.

What weapons can I use in the game?

  • Swords
  • Guns
  • Lasers

How do I switch weapons?

The 'Change Weapon' control can be used to switch weapons during the game.

Ufo X


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