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Los Angeles Crimes

Category: Driving
Tags: Action |

Los Angeles Crimes is a Grand Theft Auto style open-world third-person shooter game. It is developed for web browsers, Android, and iOS. It takes place in a fictional and fabulous city of Los Angeles. The game allows you to explore the city and play different missions to progress. You can also participate in some mini-game activities such as race, races, and more.


  • Character Customization
  • Wide Selection of Weapons
  • Immersive Open World Environment
  • Realistic Physics
  • Multiple Mission Types
  • Challenges and Mini-games
  • Jaw-dropping Visuals

Game Controls

  • Movement: W,A,S,D / Arrow keys
  • Fire: Left Mouse Button
  • Aim: Right Mouse Button
  • Jump: Space
  • Crouch: Left Control
  • Interact: F
  • Reload: R
  • Switch Weapon: Mouse Wheel
  • Run: Shift

How to Play

Choose A Character

When you first launch the game, you will start with the character selection. You will be able to create your own character or choose one of the available pre-made characters. You can disable the auto-assign option and create your own character, with an endless range of customisation options such as body type, clothing, tattoos and more.

Explore Los Angeles

Once you have selected your character you can then start exploring the city of Los Angeles. Different areas of the city have different missions and activities that you can take part in. You will also encounter NPCs (Non-Player Characters) that will provide you with quests and tasks to accomplish.

Play The Missions

The missions are different from each other, you might battle against other players, rescue hostages, make deliveries, and so on. Completing missions will reward you with money and new weapons. The harder the mission, the bigger the reward.


Los Angeles Crimes also offers a variety of mini-games. You can race with other players, participate in team deathmatches, or single-player survival missions. You will unlock these mini-games when you progress through the game.


Third-person shooter

Los Angeles Crimes is a third-person shooter game. You will move, aim and shoot using the controls from the list above. The combat system is designed to be strategic, so you will have to take cover and pick your shots carefully. You will also be able to switch weapons and use special abilities to gain the upper hand in battles.


The game takes place in an open-world environment, meaning that you can explore the city freely. This world has various landmarks and activities. You can also find collectibles and special locations that you can use to progress further in the game.


  • Web browsers: Windows, macOS, Linux
  • Android (Google Play and APK)
  • iOS (App Store)


Los Angeles Crimes is developed by RAON GAMES, a South Korean studio responsible for numerous mobile games.

Release Date

Los Angeles Crimes was released in 2018 for web browsers, Android and iOS.

Similar games

Los Angeles Crimes is similar to other Grand Theft Auto style open world games such as Grand Theft Auto V, Saints Row, and Watch Dogs.


Can I change my character's appearance?

Yes, you can customize your character's appearance before the game starts.

Can I play with my friends?

Yes, you can play with friends in the game's multiplayer mode, or take part in mini-games with them.

How do I get weapons?

You can purchase weapons from vendors, or find them in the world. You can also receive them as rewards from completing certain missions.

Ufo X


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