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Scrap GL 2

Category: Driving
Tags: 3d | Webgl | Car | Multiplayer |

Scrap GL 2 is an exciting and fast-paced web game that puts you in a post-apocalyptic world of car scavenging. You navigate your vehicle full of parts, transforming them into powerful combinations, to help you collect more scrap for your side mission. As you explore the world, you'll come across scattered cars and parts. You'll have to scavenge, combine and upgrade the parts to equip your car with better technology that will help you complete your mission.


  • Fast-paced car combat
  • Car customization
  • Online multiplayer
  • Side missions and tasks
  • Variety of weapon loadouts
  • Scavenge for scrap and car parts

Game Controls

  • W, A, S, D or Arrow keys - Drive
  • Mouse/Cursor - Select and Interact with Menu Items
  • X - Perform Special Actions such as Boosting, Shooting or Bombing
  • 1–8 - Switch weapon loadouts

How to Play

Choose Your Car

To start playing Scrap GL 2, you must first choose a car. You start out with a basic car chassis, engine, and wheels, but you can customize it with the parts you find and gain access to throughout the game. To add parts, simply drag and drop the parts onto the car. You can also select a car from the selection screen. The selection screen lets you pick from a variety of vehicles that range from basic to advanced. The selection screen is also where you can upgrade your car parts and switch weapon loadouts.

Explore the Map

Scrap GL 2 takes place in a post-apocalyptic world map. Your car is equipped with a mini map on its dashboard that shows you the location of the nearest scrapyards, car parts and other points of interest—such as underground hideouts and gas stations. You can use the mini map to navigate around the world, looking for new opportunities.

Collect Scrap

The main objective of the game is to collect scrap. You can find scrap in the scrapyards or abandoned cars scattered around the map. When you come across a car, you can break it down into smaller pieces and directly add them to your own car. You can also buy scrap from the shop or exchange it with other players. As you collect more scrap, you will unlock new car parts and weapon loadouts.

Complete Missions

Throughout the game, you will be presented with side missions and tasks that you can complete in exchange for rewards. These missions range from finding a specific item or exploring specific areas to defeating dangerous enemies or completing a specific vehicle upgrade. Completion of each mission will bring you one step closer to victory.


Car Combat

Scrap GL 2 is an action-packed car combat game. You can use a variety of weapon loadouts to take on enemies. These loadouts range from standard guns and missiles to more powerful rockets and bombs. You'll also have access to special actions such as boosting and EMP pulse. You can use these actions to gain an advantage over your enemies.

Car Customization

One of the most exciting features of Scrap GL 2 is car customization. You can customize your car in a variety of ways from changing the color of the paint and adding custom decals to equipping it with new parts and upgrading existing parts. As you progress through the game, you will unlock more car parts. You can also buy parts from the shop or trade them with other players.

Online Multiplayer

In Scrap GL 2, you can team up with other players to take on missions and battles. You can join or create crews that have up to four players. You can also enter the online arena and compete with other players. Here you can show off your skills and become the top racer in the world.


  • Web
  • Android
  • iOS


Scrap GL 2 was developed by Frenzy Interactive, an independent game development studio based in Germany. They specialize in creating high-quality, action-packed games for mobile devices, web and console.

Release Date

Scrap GL 2 was first released on November 27th, 2020.

Similar games

Scrap GL 2 shares similarities with other car combat games such as Crossout, Hoverbike Racing, and Mad Max. It also shares gameplay elements with other scavenging games such as Rust, Don't Starve, and Unturned.


Is Scrap GL 2 free to play?

Yes, Scrap GL 2 is free to play on all platforms.

How many players can play Scrap GL 2?

Up to 4 players can join a game of Scrap GL 2.

What is the objective of the game?

The objective of the game is to scavenge for scrap and collect car parts to customize and upgrade your vehicle. You can also complete side missions and tasks to gain rewards.

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