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States Battle

Category: .IO
Tags: Strategy |

States Battle is a web-based educational game that aims to teach kids geography in an engaging and fun way. The game revolves around the concept of conquering states of the United States by taking tests and completing challenging tasks. The game environment provides a vivid landscape, with each state having its own unique colors and terrain. The user must prove they have mastered each state’s topic in order to progress in the game!


  • Engaging and educational gameplay
  • Vivid graphics and landscapes with unique colors and terrain
  • Ability to upgrade a chosen team as the game progresses
  • Special events for extra points or rewards

Game Controls

  • Click and drag to zoom in or out and navigate the game.
  • Click to select and deselect items.
  • Click on an object to open the “info panel”.
  • Navigate menus with the left and right arrow keys.
  • Press the space bar to jump.
  • Press the Enter/Return key to confirm/submit a task.

How to Play

Getting Started

In order to play States Battle, a user must first create an account. To do this, enter a username, a password, and the user’s age. Then, the player will be required to choose a starting team. The team selection page will provide the user with ten possible teams, each with a unique logo, mascot, and color scheme. After choosing a team, the user will be ready to start the game.

Gameplay Overview

At the beginning of the game, the user will be presented with a map of the United States. From this map, the player can zoom in and out to explore each of the fifty states in detail. Each state will have its own unique terrain, colors, and details. To conquer a state, the user must complete one of two tasks or tests. Once the task is completed, the user can then conquer the state. The user can also upgrade their chosen team as they conquer more states. Upgrades include bigger and better equipment, custom colors, and new mascots.

Special Events

The game also features special events. These events appear randomly, and the purpose of the events is to give the user a chance to earn extra points or rewards for their team. The events are usually timed and require the user to complete a challenge within a certain amount of time in order to get the extra points or rewards. For example, one event may require the user to answer a series of geography questions in 3 minutes.


  • Web
  • Android
  • iOS


States Battle was created by educational game developer Interactive Games. The company was founded in 2010 and is based in Seattle, Washington.

Release Date

States Battle was first released in 2016 and has since been updated with new features, graphics, and gameplay elements.

Similar games

Other games similar to States Battle include Atlas Quest, a geography game that challenges users to find and collect flags from different countries around the world. Another game is Plague Inc Evolved, a science-based game where users must strategically spread a pandemic to wipe out the entire population.


What kind of game is States Battle?

States Battle is an educational web game that challenges players with geography-related tasks. The game is aimed at children and is a great way to learn while having fun.

What are the requirements to play States Battle?

In order to play States Battle, players must first create an account. All that is required is a username, password, and the user's age.

What are the available platforms for States Battle?

  • Web
  • Android
  • iOS
Ufo X


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