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MathPup Golf Addition

Category: Sports
Tags: Educational | Math |

MathPup Golf Addition is a multiplatform web game created by the game developers MathPup. It is an educational game for children of all ages aiming to improve their mathematics skills by solving addition problems. The game has variations for older kids and for younger ones, allowing them to develop each maths skill step by step. Even though the player chooses from different difficulty levels, all levels contain the basic maths operations principals: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.


  • Real-time 3D graphics
  • Dynamic atmosphere with sound and visuals
  • Singleplayer and multiplayer mode
  • Basic math operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
  • Variety of levels with different difficulties
  • Chance to collect power-ups
  • Kudos and rewards system
  • Leaderboard

Game Controls

  • Spacebar or mouse click - Swing the golf club
  • Mouse pointer - Control the direction
  • Up and down arrows - Adjust the power
  • Left and right arrows - Choose the golf club

How to Play


The objective of the game is to solve the addition problem before taking your shot with the golf club. The goal is to place the ball in the hole with the least number of strokes. The game can be played in different difficulty levels, and all level contain the basic maths operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

Starting the Game

To start the game, the player first chooses a difficulty level. There are multiple levels for both younger and older players. Then, the player needs to select a golf club and aim the shot. After aiming the circle will appear. Now, it is time to solve the math problem. When the player solves the math problem, they can click on the play/swing button to hit the ball with the selected golf club. Depending on the difficulty level, the player will have either time limit or total golf swings.

Levels and Missions

The player is required to choose a level before starting the game. Upon completing one level, the player automatically moves to the next one. Through the gameplay, the player needs to complete all the missions. Every mission requires the player to solve a set of math problems correctly in order to move on to the next level. As the player solves the math problems correctly, the ball moves closer toward the goal. After completing all missions in a level, the player advances to the next level.



The game has detailed 3D golf courses with trees, ponds, and other obstacles. The visual effects are amazing and immersive. The effects such as wind and gravity are in real-time and dynamically change during the play. The game also has a great sound effects, featuring golf course sounds such as water bubbling, birds chirping, etc.

Players vs AI

The game features both singleplayer and multiplayer mode. In the singleplayer mode, the player plays against an AI. In the multiplayer mode, players can challenge each other for supremacy. The players can compare their scores and compete for the top of the leaderboard.

Power Ups

The game also contains power-ups which the players can collect throughout their golf match. The power-ups are usually in the form of a word from the math problem. When the player collects the power-up then they can use them in the form of bonuses, unlocking various upgrades to the golf ground and golf club. For example, the player may unlock a longer club or a chosen position on the golf course.


  • Web
  • Android App
  • iOS App


MathPup Golf Addition is developed by MathPup, a team of developers specialized in creating educational games for children. The team believes that learning should be fun and engaging, so each game is designed to meet these two criteria. MathPup Golf Addition is a fun and educational game, where the player can have fun while learning basic math operations.

Release Date

MathPup Golf Addition is currently released and available on web, Android and iOS platforms. It was originally released on April 8th, 2020.

Similar games

MathPup Golf Addition has similarities to other educational games such as MathCats: Golf Course, Math Cats: Make Math Fun, and Math Run: Race For Success. These games are also designed for children of all ages and focus on basic math operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.


What is MathPup Golf Addition?

MathPup Golf Addition by MathPup is a multiplatform web game developed for players of all ages. Players need to solve math problems and swing the golf cub to move toward their goal. It also offers power-ups to upgrade the golf gear and increase the chances of success.

Where Can I Play MathPup Golf Addition?

MathPup Golf Addition is available on web, Android and iOS platforms.

How Can I Win the Game?

In order to win the game, you need to solve the math problems and reach the goal by taking the least number of swings. The game also has power-ups which can help you to increase your chances of success.

Ufo X


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