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Adopt Children and Form Your Family

Category: Adventure

Adopt Children and Form Your Family is a fun game that will occupy you for hours! You will feel like having a real family of your own with all its responsibility. You get to build a family and their everyday life. The challenge is to provide for the family and to keep them safe and happy!

How to Play the Game

The idea of the game is to find and adopt children and form a family with them. You will start out as a single person and as you progress, you will need to locate children that you can adopt. Each level will bring its own challenges, from finding a stable income to providing the children with all they need - education, healthcare and safety. As you move on in the game, you will get to form new relationships, build a better home, and even have an occasional family outing. The ultimate goal is to keep the family together, safe, and happy!


The core game consists of three main activities: providing for your family, keeping your family safe, and maintaining relationships. The first priority is to find a steady income, either through a job or with some form of business. Then, there are basic needs that need to be taken care of such as food, shelter, and clothing. You must also make sure your family is safe by taking measures such as building fences around the house or installing alarm systems. Finally, it is important to keep relationships strong by organizing family gatherings, vacations, etc.

A List of Features

  • Adopt children to build your own family
  • Find a steady income
  • Feed your family and provide for their basic needs
  • Keep your family safe and secure
  • Form relationships with family members
  • Recreate a life of a family with real world scenarios


  • Web - Available on any browser
  • Android - Available on the Google Play Store
  • iOS - Available on the App Store

Developer Who Made the Game

The game was developed by In2Games Ltd. They are a game development studio based in London, England. They specialize in creating fun, family-friendly games that any age can play and enjoy. Adopt Children and Form Your Family is one of their most popular game titles.

Release Date

Adopt Children and Form Your Family was released in 2020 on the web, Android, and iOS.

Similar Games

If you enjoy Adopt Children and Form Your Family, you might be interested in similar games such as Dream House Designers, Virtual Families, or Virtual Villagers. Each of these games provide a fun experience with family dynamics and building relationships.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does the game cost?

The game is free to play and all in-app purchases are optional.

How do I earn money in the game?

  • You can earn money by getting a job or setting up a business.
  • You can also collect items found in the game world and sell them to make a profit.

Can I customize my family?

Yes, you can customize the appearance of your family members, as well as the home they inhabit. You can also choose the activities they will engage in, their clothing and more.

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