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Checkers Online

Category: Arcade

Checkers Online is an online game that can be accessed through web browsers as well as Android and iOS devices. This game will bring you back to the days of classic board gaming, where you’ll compete against your opponents with 2D graphics to capture the most pieces and make the best moves. Whether you’re looking for a casual game to play for fun or want to get competitive in head-to-head battles with seasoned players, Checkers Online offers an intuitive, yet challenging experience.


  • Head-to-head head-to-head battles
  • Play against randomly selected players or your friends
  • Simple 2D graphics and intuitive interface
  • Train your skills against computer AI
  • Achievements and rewards

Game Controls

  • Arrow keys: Move pieces left, right, up, or down
  • Cursor: Pick pieces up and put it down
  • Mouse: Same as the cursor
  • Keyboard letters: Use letters from A to H to select a row/column where a piece should be moved

How to Play

Checkers Online is a classic two-player game. Each player starts the game with 12 pieces. The game is played on a 8 X 8 grid board. Each side of the board has its own set of pieces. The pieces move in a diagonal direction, and players can move one piece at a time in any of the four directions. The goal of the game is to remove all of your opponent's pieces from the board before they manage to remove yours.

Starting the Game

When the game begins, each player will have 12 pieces which form a line starting with the players furthest right piece. Players can move one piece at a time, but can only move their pieces towards the opposing player. You must move your pieces towards your opponent in order to capture their pieces.

Capturing Opponent's Pieces

Capturing an opponent's piece can be done by jumping over their piece in a diagonal direction. If more than one of your opponent's pieces can be captured at once, then you must choose the one which will enable you to capture the most pieces. This is also known as chain captures. Once you have captured all of your opponent's pieces, you win the game.

Winning the Game

The goal of Checkers Online is to be the last player standing by capturing all of your opponent's pieces. To win the game you must be able to plan ahead to make sure your pieces don't get captured by your opponent and that you can capture their pieces in the most efficient manner. The player who captures all of their opponent's pieces first wins the game.


Checkers Online is similar to other board games like Chess and Draughts, with the goal being to capture all of your opponent's pieces. Players control their pieces by using their cursor, mouse, and keyboard. Each player starts with 12 pieces on the board and that number can increase if pieces are captured. Players can move one piece at a time, and pieces can only move in a diagonal direction across the board.

Turn-based System

The game plays in a turn-based system, with each player taking a turn before giving their opponents the chance to move. During your turn you can move your pieces either in a “slide move”, or a “jump move”. The slide move is when you move a piece one step diagonally, while the jump move is when you jump over an opponent's piece to capture it. If you manage to capture one or more pieces in your move, your turn doesn’t end and you can continue to capture pieces. We'll talk about more about chain captures and combo captures when we discuss the gameplay.


In Checkers Online you must think several turns ahead to visualize potential moves and decide the best moves to make. This can help you set up combos and create chain captures that can cause your opponent to lose pieces more quickly. You also must plan around blocking your opponent's setup as well as predicting their moves. Each player has different strategies so you must think outside the box to come up with good strategies to use on your opponents.


Checkers Online is available on Web, Android, and iOS devices.


Checkers Online is developed by Syntech Software.

Release Date

Checkers Online was released on April 1, 2021.

Similar games

If you're a fan of Checkers Online, you may also enjoy other classic board games like Chess and Draughts. You can also try out other online board game such as Reversi, Hex and Tic-Tac-Toe.


How do I move my pieces?

You can move your pieces by using your cursor, mouse and keyboard. You can use the arrow keys to move your pieces left, right, up or down. You can also use the letters A to H on your keyboard to select a row/column where a piece should be moved.

How do I capture pieces?

You can capture pieces by jumping over them in a diagonal direction. If more than one of your opponent's pieces can be captured at once, then you must choose the one which will enable you to capture the most pieces.

How do I win the game?

To win the game, you must capture all of your opponent's pieces before they manage to capture yours.

Ufo X


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