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Met Rage


Met Rage is an action-packed multiplayer game that takes you on a wild ride through the inner workings of a metropolis. As you run, jump, and swing through the city, you’ll need to take out rival gangs, bandits, and other enemies with your weapons, gadgets, and special moves! Get ready for some intense battles and revolutionary game mechanics that blur the lines between virtual and physical reality!


  • Open world city environment
  • Variety of objectives and tasks to complete
  • Range of weapons, gadgets and upgrades to use
  • Unique combat mechanics
  • Epic boss battles

Game Controls

  • Keyboard and mouse
  • Gamepad

How to Play

Creating an Account

To get started, you need to create an account with Met Rage. This process is easy and takes just a few minutes. All you have to do is go to the Met Rage website and follow the instructions to create an account. Once your account is created, you will be able to access the game.

Loading the Game

Loading the game is simple and does not require any special set up or installation. All you need to do is log into your account, select the game, and you are ready to go!

Playing the Game

Met Rage is played in an open world city environment. You begin by choosing a character to play as and then can select from a variety of objectives and tasks. Your goal is to progress through the game by completing all of the available missions. As you progress, you will gain access to new weapons, gadgets, and upgrades that can help you in battle.



You can explore the city environment at your own pace, running, climbing, and swinging your way through the levels. There are a variety of different obstacles to traverse, including walls and jumps that require precision timing and coordination. Along the way, there are plenty of collectible items scattered throughout the city that can help you in your adventure.


Met Rage is filled with exciting battles as you take down rivals and bandits with a variety of weapons and gadgets. You can choose from a range of melee and ranged weapons and combine them with special abilities for maximum impact. You can also use gadgets like grenades and sticky bombs to give you an edge in battle. Be careful though – enemies will not go down easily and you will need to be guick on your feet in order to survive.

Boss Battles

In addition to the regular fights, you will also encounter several boss battles throughout the game. These bosses are giant robots that require strategic thinking and skill to defeat. It takes a combination of gadgets and weapons to take them down. You will also need to be especially careful during these fights – one wrong move and it could be your last!


  • Web
  • Android
  • iOS


Met Rage is developed and published by KingBlade Games a leading independent game developer. KingBlade Games specialize in developing high-quality action-adventure games for both desktop and mobile platforms.

Release Date

Met Rage was released on June 1st, 2020.

Similar games

Some games similar to Met Rage include Sonic Advance, Super Smash Bros Ultimate, and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.


What type of game is Met Rage?

Met Rage is an action-adventure game that combines elements of exploration, combat, and boss fights.

Are there any special moves?

Yes, there are a variety of special moves that you can use in combat such as a dash, jump, and roll.

How many levels are there?

There are over 100 levels in the game.

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