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Animal Rescue Robot Hero

Category: Adventure
Tags: Hero | Animal | Speed | Robot | Rescue | Flying | Jumping |

Animal Rescue Robot Hero is a game that combines exciting adventure, thrilling gameplay, and rescue missions. Players take on the role of an animal rescue robot who has to traverse through levels and save animals in distress. This game is suitable for all ages, with simple controls and engaging elements. Additionally, the focus on rescuing animals provides children and players of all ages the opportunity to develop social and emotional skills while playing.


  • Simple controls and easy-to-navigate menus
  • Endless levels with increasing difficulty
  • Interactions with animals and obstacles
  • Puzzle-solving and problem-solving tasks
  • Power-ups, rewards, and achievements
  • An in-game store for purchasing items

Game Controls

  • Movement: Up, Down, Right, Left
  • Interactions: Spacebar, Enter
  • Menu navigation: Arrow keys and Enter

How to Play

Starting up the Game

To begin playing Animal Rescue Robot Hero, open up the game from the Internet browser or the gaming platform you are playing on. You will then be prompted to the opening screen of the game, from there you can access the menus, the store, and adjust any settings to customize your playing experience.

Playing the Game

Once you have made any adjustments needed, click on the ‘Play’ button at the bottom of the menu. Players can then choose their level of difficulty, with difficulty ranging from Easy to Hard. Once a difficulty is chosen, the game will begin. On the left side of the screen, a player’s robot will be visible, along with a map showing its current location. On the right side of the screen, an objective will be listed, along with the ability to pause the game and adjust the volume.


Navigating the Map

The main objective of Animal Rescue Robot Hero is to navigate the map and rescue animals in distress. Players must use the controls provided to move the robot around the map. As they progress through the levels, they will encounter symbols on the map that lead to specific interactions with obstacles and animals.

Interacting with Animals

The game also emphasizes interacting with animals. As the robot saves more animals, they will follow the robot around and provide assistance. Animals can be interacted with by pressing the Spacebar or Enter key. When the robot interacts with an animal, the player will be presented with a choice. Choosing the correct response will benefit the robot and the animals; this encourages social development and problem-solving skills.

Power-ups and Challenges

As players progress through the game, they will be presented with power-ups and challenges. These can range from being able to attack obstacles to being presented with a task and needing to complete it successfully within a certain amount of time. Power-ups and challenges can also be purchased from the game’s store.

Level Completion and Rewards

Once a level is completed and enough animals have been rescued, the level will be completed and the the next level will begin. Various rewards will be given to the player in the form of points, coins, or power-ups, which can be used to purchase items in the game’s store.


  • Web Browser
  • Android
  • iOS


Animal Rescue Robot Hero was developed by XYZ Games.

Release Date

Animal Rescue Robot Hero was released in 2021.

Similar games

Animal Rescue Robot Hero is similar to other robot-themed adventure and rescue games such as Robot Rescue, Animal Rescue Adventure, and Zoo Rescue.


What is the objective of the game?

The objective of the game is to navigate the map, save animals in distress, and rescue them before the time runs out.

What type of controls are available in the game?

  • Movement: Up, Down, Right, Left
  • Interactions: Spacebar, Enter
  • Menu navigation: Arrow keys and Enter

What type of rewards can players get?

Players can get a variety of rewards, from coins and points to power-ups and achievements. These rewards can be used to purchase items from the game’s store.

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