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Kitty Cats

Category: Adventure
Tags: Caring | Pets | Cat |

Kitty Cats is a fun and exciting web game designed for children with plenty of exciting levels and activities to explore. Based on the popular genre of mobile, tablet and web game, players must take control of their own customised kitty cat and complete levels in order to gain points, rewards and bonus rounds. Kitty Cats is a game aimed at players of all ages and all skill levels, taking elements from popular games such as Garden Rescue and Candy Crush, and applying them to a new and interesting experience.


  • Endless levels with creative and interesting obstacles to complete
  • Power-ups, special abilities and rewards to collect along the way
  • Highly customizable cats, with various items and accessories
  • Multiplayer mode so friends can compete or team up and take on the game
  • Smooth, interactive 3D graphics

Game Controls

  • A button to move your character left and right
  • A button to jump
  • A button to interact with objects on the map
  • A button to fire a power up weapon
  • A button to pause the game

How to Play

Choose your Kitty

At the start of the game, players are asked to choose their customised kitty cat from a selection of pre-designed characters, or create their own fromscratch. Each kitty cat has its own unique set of abilities, skills, powers and speed which affect how players must approach each level.

Select your Level

Once the kitty cat has been chosen, players can embark on their adventure. Kitty Cats has numerous levels that each contain a different assortment of enemies, obstacles and prizes. Players must progress through each level while avoiding the various traps and enemies, in order to gain points and unlock additional power-ups and rewards that may be used in later levels.

Adventure Mode

The game also offers 'Adventure Mode' which allows players to take their kitty cat on a journey differently styled levels. In this mode, players embark on a quest with collectable rewards, a variety of mini-games, puzzles, and other obstacles. Players can also join together with friends and compete against each other in this mode to showcase who is the ultimate Kitty Cat champion.


Power-Ups & Special Abilities

Kitty Cats has a variety of powerful items and unique special abilities that players can use to their advantage throughout the game. These items range from the ability to sprint faster, the ability to see better, and even the ability to summon a huge cat army. These items can help players progress faster, find hidden rewards, and face off against powerful enemies.

Multiplayer Modes & Customization

Kitty Cats also offers a multiplayer mode, allowing users to join forces with friends and take down enemies together, or compete against each other for ultimate bragging rights. Players are able to customize their cats with various items and accessories to make the ultimate avatar for their one-of-a-kind kitty cat.


Kitty Cats can be played on a variety of platforms, including web browser, Android, and iOS.


Kitty Cats is developed by Out of the Box Games which is based in San Francisco, California.

Release Date

Kitty Cats was first released on January 31, 2021.

Similar games

Kitty Cats is highly similar to other popular games such as Garden Rescue and Candy Crush, as well as the classic game, Super Mario Brothers.


What platforms is Kitty Cats available for?

Kitty Cats is available for web browsers, Android, and iOS.

Is there a multiplayer mode available?

Yes, Kitty Cats offers a multiplayer mode where players can join forces with friends, or compete against each other.

Are there any special abilities or rewards in the game?

  • Yes, Kitty Cats offers powerful items and unique special abilities that players can use to their advantage throughout the game.
  • In addition, players can collect rewards, power-ups, and bonus rounds along their journey.
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